we are here to help

Books For Blessings was established on November 30, 2014 after hearing a sermon on the parable of the talents. We were moved by the preacher and felt that we were not using our skills to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were convicted that belief and faith are different.  Anyone can believe in something, but only those that have faith are motivated to act on that belief. Having more than 30 years in software engineering and almost as many years selling books for clients, our family started a small outreach ministry specializing in selling books. By the end of the day, we had started the work on how to use our talents to start to help people.

We’ve done ok over the years and have helped a number of beneficiaries by gathering books, selling them, and giving the money away.  However, this was not a formal ministry.  While it was very fulfilling to be able to help people and organizations with fundraising, it was personally difficult because this was just something we were doing and ended up having to pay taxes on the the money we were giving away.

After much thought over the 2023 Christmas season, we decided to “go big” and formed Outreach25.org, a non-profit Christian outreach ministry.  We decided to bring Books For Blessings under the non-profit umbrella so we can focus on growth at a national level and make this service available to individuals outside of our local area.

2024 is a reorganization year under the non-profit.  We are redoing the website and laying the groundwork for a distribution center so our inventory is currently pretty low but we are still helping people through this ministry.  If you need help – reach out to us and we will be happy to talk to you.

Our goal by the end of 2024 is to have a national system in place to gather books from across the country that is convenient for the donors so we can bless more people than ever before.

Support a cause

Our beneficiaries are vetted and their needs are real. The money that we earn through book sales is paid out in grants to the beneficiaries. When you send your books to us you can specify if you want to help a specific beneficiary or just donate the books to the general fund. Books donated to the general fund help cover our labor costs. Books donated to a specific cause are pass through except for $0.40 per sale to cover the cost of shipping supplies.


Like you, we often wonder how our generosity is helping people. Questions arise such as "I wonder how much those books were worth" or "have any of my donated books sold?". When you donate books you're given a unique token and we actually use that token when we scan books into inventory. Our goal is to, in the very near future, allow you to login and see the books you've donated, and the amount of funds generated by the book sales. We have been tracking books like this since our inception and it's pretty cool to be able and provide that level of interactivity.


We believe that you are what others perceive. It is our desire to be recognized as Christian men and women who lovingly work to serve others. Trust is imperative in what we are attempting to do in helping others. Therefore, our books will be opened and we will have an itemized breakdown of the actual costs associated with the marketing and fulfillment of the inventory. The only thing we will not be providing is the address to which the books were shipped. That is information which is not disclosed to the public as it is Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

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