Fundraising through book sales

Turning books no one wants into blessings no one can deny.


Christ instructed his followers to in Matthew 25 to take care of those in need.  Books For Blessings leverages three decades of book sale knowledge and technology to sell donated books and bless people across the country that are going through unimaginable circumstances. It is our belief that the ministry of presence is important to the family unit and that parents should not have to work multiple jobs to try and help pay for medical needs not covered by their insurance.

"The support of you being there and your presence with your child is more important than anything else."

- Jordan Harouche 

Never judge a book by its cover

Sometimes books you don’t think are worth anything can sell for hundreds of dollars to the right buyer. We know how to maximize profits on your book donations to make every dollar count. We keep 20% to cover labor and insurance and the rest goes to grant recipients in dire situations.

Donate to a specific cause

Donate to our general fund


Why donate your books?

Books you donate can be used to help individuals in distress.

Grants for emergency repairs and ADA compliant retrofits.

Medical grants to help cover what insurance doesn't.

Grants for automobile ADA conversions.

We are just getting started

Help us grow by donating your books today!

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